Duong Tien Trung, M.S.

Ph.D. Student
– Specialized in Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics (Wave Impact)
– Skilled in Experiments (Flow Visualization-PIV) and Numerical Methods (CFD)
(Phone) +82-51-510-2385
(Email) trungduong@pusan.ac.kr
(Office) #209, PNU Model Basin (407)
9/2020 – Present
Ph.D. Student in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
9/2017 – 8/2019
M.S. in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
Thesis title: Experimental Study on Wave Impact under Decks of Offshore Structures
9/2011 – 8/2016
B.S. in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
PetroVietnam University, Ba Ria city, Vietnam
Professional Experience
1/2017 – 2/2020
Petroleum Engineering Faculty, PetroVietnam University, Ba Ria City, Vietnam
Research Interests
Hydrodynamics in ships and offshore structures; Wave-structure interactions; Wave impact loads;
Experiences in Laboratory
2-D Wave tank; Particle image velocimetry (PIV); Pressure and force measurement;
Experiences in Numerical Modeling
Awards and Honors
Best Student Paper Award
2020 KSOE Fall Conference, The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers, 2021. 02.
2019 KAOSTS Joint Conference, The Korean Society of Ocean Engineers, 2019. 10.
Pressure estimation of wave-in-deck loading using velocity fields obtained by particle image velocimetry
Duong T. T., Jung, K. H., Lee, G. N., Kim, H. J., Park, S. B., Shin, S. Y., Lee J. Y., Suh, S. B., Ocean Engineering, 257, 111581 (2022. 08.)
Study on PIV-Based Pressure Estimation Method of Wave Loading under a Fixed Deck
Lee, G. N., Duong, T. T., Jung, K. H., Suh, S. B., & Lee, J. Y. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 34(6), 419-427. (2020. 11.)
Experimental and Numerical Estimation on Roll Damping and Pressure on a 2-D Rectangular Structure in Free Roll Decay Test
Kim, M., Jung, K. H., Park, S. B., Lee, G. N., Duong, T. T., Suh, S. B., & Park, I. R. Ocean Engineering,196, 106801. (2020. 01.)
Experimental Study on Wave Impact under Deck due to Regular Waves
Duong, T. T., Jung, K. H., Lee, G. N., Kim, D. S., Suh, S. B., & Kim, M. S. Journal of Coastal Research, 91(SI), 81-85. (2019. 08.)
해양 구조물 갑판 하부의 파랑 충격하중 저감 구조물
정광효, 이강남, 박성부, 쯔엉 띠엔 쭝. 10-2019-01-65267. (2019. 12.)